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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Prop 2 is worth it

Voters recently received a flier of the five reasons to vote no on Proposition 2. “Rail traffic with coal & oil are safe,” Reason 4. Really? Tell that to the folks in Oregon when cars derailed and spilled millions of gallons of fuel contaminating their water. And the coal being safe? Ask the folks near Noxon, Mont. A month after the derailment spill, they were dealing with combustion in the hotspots.

The oil can be made less volatile at 2 cents a gallon. Sounds like a worthy investment if this is so important to ship. Preparing for disaster is something we are told to do by safety officials. They have stated we are not ready for a disaster. Aren’t we worth protecting? I live within a mile and worship within four blocks. The city is worth the caution.

Cathy Gunderson


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