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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

What have you to fear?

I find it appalling that the liberal educational communities cannot tolerate listening and considering the views of conservatives who share their ideas that succeed. Due to changes in our culture and other reasons, in my 52 years of a public school and private university career, I have witnessed a decrease in the quality, depth and comprehensiveness of our educational system. Many liberal ideas have not met the needs of students, nor will all conservative practices meet those needs.

However, turning a deaf ear to Betsy DeVos and other similar-thinking educators, only defeats the opportunity for improving Washington state schools. Instead of protesting and shouting down these voices, how about engaging with them in a respectful dialogue?

With Attorney General Bob Ferguson, Anita Hill and Angela Davis and their ilk coming to Spokane, let’s invite Betsy DeVos, Larry Arnn, Condoleezza Rice and others to present a level playing field for our students. What have you to fear?

Roger M. Long


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