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Dunau listens

Late in the 1990s, I attended a meeting of the Lake Roosevelt Forum where Andy Dunau was presiding as the executive director and moderator for a gathering with a multitude of users who benefit from and enjoy Lake Roosevelt. Federal and state agency leaders; state and federal fisheries interests; Spokane and Colville Tribal representatives; county commissioners; state and national elected representatives; private taxpaying property owners; and people using Lake Roosevelt for recreation. Each with his own agenda and priorities of achieving the first and best for the interests they represent. Now if this wasn’t a venue for a good dog fight, I’ll put in with you. Sounds to me like some of the gatherings of the City Council.

You need to know, Andy listens first. He then decides on a path of possible solutions, priorities and answers. His leadership, as a facilitator, with the tribes, fisheries, Bonneville Power Administration and private groups has resulted in the best fishing ever in Lake Roosevelt. The forum still meets regularly, has annual two-day gatherings in Spokane and a growing attendance. He’s still the executive director by acclamation. He operates with a balanced budget, and goals and accomplishments keep being achieved. Sounds like the right man for the council to me. Vote Andy Dunau.

Keith Green

Liberty Lake

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