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Trump is a bully

What have we here, a president or a classroom bully, and members of Congress are cowards not to stand up to him because they are apt to get fired. He is blackmailing them to get his border wall (at the expense of the American taxpayers).

He is good at playing little boy games, like playing war with Korea, putting millions and millions of people’s lives at stake, for heaven’s sake, there must be someone who has the guts to call his bluff. Wake up Congress, and help get this fake impeached now.

In his speech in Texas about how much money he’s giving them for the terrible disaster there, if he shuts the government down, where’s that money coming from?

Everyone, please write to Congress and tell representatives o do what they were put there to do and show some spunk and stand up to the classroom bully. He’s a time bomb ready to happen. America will be never be great again as long as he’s holding the reins.

Dorothy Payne

Spokane Valley

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