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The Slice: Sometimes you get to define yourself

There are those who insist how you answer this says it all about you.

In Spokane, at least.

From which category do you pluck your answer when asked “What do you do?”

A) What I do for money. B) What I do for recreation. C) What I do in terms of volunteering. D) What I do when I don’t have a TV remote in my hand. E) Where I go to school. F) My religion/approach to spirituality. G) You mean besides watching GU basketball? H) Things I complain about. I) Define “do.” J) Other.

Been chilling since the previous century: “Thought I’d share my story about my longest lived fridge inhabitant,” wrote Holly Bickford.

“About two years into my marriage I made something called ‘huckleberry bounce,’ which was a bottle of vodka, some sugar and, of course, huckleberries. It had to sit for a month then it could be stored in a container and the berries discarded. Except it seemed like a shame to just throw the yummy, vodka soaked things away, so I put them in the fridge to ‘use later.’

“My husband Lyle and I just celebrated our 45th anniversary, so that tells you how old these berries are.”

Thanks for sharing, Holly. I assume I would not be the first to shout, “It’s gonna blow!”

The varied enterprises listed on the business card handed out by Cusick’s John W. Gray: Used cars, land, whiskey, manure, nails, old cars, kites, fly swatters, racing forms, tractors, bongos, hides.

Never too late to answer a Slice question: Bill Baxley was puttering when he came across a newspaper from last Dec. 3. He read The Slice question. “How did so many people who never ride the bus get to be experts on what bus riders are like?”

Bill had an answer. “The same way people who’ve never worked in the private sector are economic experts.”

Gimmee five: 1. Sweaters or sweatshirts?

2. What’s the secret to winning a thermostat duel?

3. Did the phrase “heavy petting” disappear when Ann Landers went away?

4. Ever had a young grandchild ask what you remember about Rocktober?

5. Are you old enough to recall when Coors beer was considered exotic outside the West?

Warm-up question (a rerun from 20 years ago): Which of your co-workers is least likely to get a tattoo?

Today’s Slice question: Who is Spokane’s biggest pain in the ass?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email In certain circles, those who grew up here, moved away and then returned are said to be “Back in the Kan.”

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