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No need for assault rifles

Another shooting tragedy. The sympathy for the Freeman students and their families is deep and widespread. It could have been much worse. This was an adolescent that had access to an assault rifle that fortunately jammed.

We need to ask ourselves where and if assault rifles have a place in our society. When will we demand our elected officials take a stand and not be more concerned about NRA endorsement at election time than the well-being of their constituents? The NRA’s Second Amendment stand is too rigid and self-serving and doesn’t deserve support. Its position that banning assault riffles will give the government power to take away all firearms is nothing but a scare tactic and is misleading and misplaced.

I have been a gun owner and hunter all my life, and I do not know of any true outdoors person that endorses the need or use of an assault weapon. We need to show some resolve and speak up and demand some change before more tragedies of this type become even more commonplace. This may not be the total answer to the problem, but it would be a step in the right direction.

Harry Johnson


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