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Be smart with phones

Here we go again, another school being shot at. Listening and observing those around us is imperative. We need to be listening to what others are saying both by their words and actions.

Recently I read an article in the New York Times (“Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?”). It discusses the relationship between teens, their phones and other social media. Their research shows that teens who hole up in their rooms with nothing but a phone, iPad, or other electronic device are more likely to become depressed and suicidal. Teens with phones are more susceptible to cyber-bullying and to feel lonely, more likely to get less sleep and be less social from lack of real live personal interactions.

I would encourage all to read this article and pass it on.

Please, please, please: Parents, teachers, church leaders, communities listen and hug your kids every day. Shut down the social media long enough to get to know those around you so we can have less violence in our schools and in our country.

Carol Echtenkamp


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