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Make schools safe havens

When I watched the national walkout of students, there was one little elementary girl holding up this sign (it’s almost bigger than she is) that said, “Am I Next?” How terrible that our students, large and small, should wonder that?

I believe there is a solution. Let’s make our schools safe havens, places of freedom where students can concentrate on what they are going to school to do. Secure the perimeter of school buildings with an entrance of security for anyone who enters - students, faculty, anyone -with scanners, x-ray, anything that’s needed, including a professional with a weapon. Anyone can leave for a doctor appointment or whatever, but return through security.

We cannot get on a plane without going through security and we’re glad for it because we know that everyone else on that plane has gone through it also. No one has anything with them that will hurt us. We also have to go through security when we go into federal buildings and others for the same reason. Once you’re inside you know you are safe for the same reason.

Can’t we do the same for our children? They are our future. Give them a safe haven where they don’t have to wonder who’s around the next corner or they don’t have to hide under desks or in closets.

Sure it would cost a lot, but they are worth it.

Our future rests on it.

Joanne Hogan


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