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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

We have got your back

We have got your back. We are the lady shopping at your grocery store. We are the couple in the booth across from you at the restaurant. We are the young gentleman two rows ahead of you at the movie theater. We are the older gentleman walking in the mall.

We are male and female. We are of all adult ages. We are members of all races and ethnic groups. We are physicians, carpenters, teachers, retired police, electricians, engineers, firefighters, business owners, farmers and persons of all professions.

We are people who have a concealed weapons permit and we have your back. We have decided we will not be a victim. We will not cower in a corner waiting for a shooter to execute us. We will defend ourselves, defend you and die rather than submit to an execution.

We train to make sure our skills are honed. We are aware of our surroundings and calculate shooting lines, escape routes and any other thing that will increase your and our chances of survival.

We hope that we never have to draw our weapons to defend ourselves and others, but we are prepared to do so. We have got your back.

Dan Bieber


Letters Policy

The Spokesman-Review invites original letters on local topics of public interest. Your letter must adhere to the following rules:

  • No more than 250 words
  • We reserve the right to reject letters that are not factually correct, racist or are written with malice.
  • We cannot accept more than one letter a month from the same writer.
  • With each letter, include your daytime phone number and street address.
  • The Spokesman-Review retains the nonexclusive right to archive and re-publish any material submitted for publication.

Unfortunately, we don’t have space to publish all letters received, nor are we able to acknowledge their receipt. (Learn more.)

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Letters to the Editor
The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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