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CMR robo-calls
Now this is eerie.
I just read David Cannon’s letter to the editor (“Leave me alone, Cathy,” April 14) and wondered “have I been cloned?”
I was just a day before complaining to a friend about these obnoxious, unwanted robo-calls from Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and telling my friend how she represents the money, not the people.
Then I read Mr. Cannon’s letter assuring me that I am not alone in praying not to have to look at her mug much longer.
At one time, yes I will admit it, I may have supported Gerald Ford in my rebellious youth (what was that 1974?) and forever since I seem to have been branded a Republican in their records. Let me assure you that the only thing I like about the Republican party is their elephant icon.
Anyway, Mr. Cannon, thank you for your refreshing letter and I’m with you all the way.
Nadine Y. Joubert