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“Trumpery:” find it in Webster’s
Yes folks, trumpery is a real word. I did not make it up. It’s listed in my 1992 Webster’s dictionary.
Trumpery is a noun, meaning something without use or value; nonsense; twaddle. Trumpern is the adjective form meaning of little or no value or worthless. Its derivation stems from a root meaning deceit. Similarly, trumped-up means fraudulent or fabricated. In card games, a trump is a suit that arbitrarily and temporarily outranks other suits.
We have never before had a president whose very name describes his character and position so perfectly.
He is a man temporarily with a high degree of power obtained through a life of deceit and manipulation, without substantive merit or value, who has little or nothing to contribute to humanity, and who tweets nothing but twaddle.
More science; less trumpery! Look it up; learn it; use it often.
Cris M. Currie