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Smart meter charge unneeded

Bravo to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission for nixing the sale to Hydro One (Avista may seek another “white knight,” Dec. 7).

However, I still have an issue regarding Avista’s rollout of smart meters. According to the aforementioned article, Hydro One will “be required to pay” Avista 103 million dollars in termination fees if the sale fails for lack of regulatory approval …” and yet if one chooses to opt out of the smart meters, they will be charged $5 a month (with potential increase in fees in 19 months) to help defer costs for a meter reader to visit your home once a quarter. One would think a chunk of that 103 million would also enable Avista to not need to charge a fee to opt out.

Oh, they say there are income limits, and some won’t be charged … well, maybe, if they insist to continue with this ridiculous charge, they could extend the “no fee required” to veterans? After all, we consistently hear how charitable Avista is to our community. C’mon, Avista, drop the charge to opt out of smart meters. We never have had a separate charge to have monthly meter readers, why start now?

Cheryl Henley


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