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GU, reconsider Shapiro

Mr. Shapiro is an extraordinary young man of the Jewish faith who brings common sense to making life-long decisions for young people. He speaks from a background of faith encourages in his message, to think, process, and learn to speak with words that create solutions to sometimes “crazy” conversation filled with just emotion!

I find no “hate” in Ben’s speeches; he just might think differently than you or me. But let’s find out why. Being able to think and voice our thoughts differently to one another should be esteemed and protected! Ben teaches and backs up his content with facts and figures. He teaches how to have dialogue about real issues with real words … whereas emotion is currently manipulating our conversations today. Our nation needs help with this as we are so divided.

GU, please print the specifics about GU’s mission statement “not in alignment” with Shapiro’s talk. Do you fear ideas? And if you fear protesters, shame on you for allowing ‘possible protesters’ to be in control of whether ” ideas” can be presented in your university! Freedom takes courage! Please reconsider for the sake of your students.

Melinda Seymour

Spokane Valley

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