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GU staff knew
I’m disappointed by Gonzaga’s response to the Reveal report, which detailed abusive priests shuffled among Native communities before “retiring” to Bea House at Gonzaga. President McCulloh’s response states that he didn’t know of any Jesuits on “safety plans” until they left in 2016 and implies minimal knowledge of those housed there.
As a former employee this puzzles me. While at Gonzaga I was told by two different co-workers about abusive priests living at Bea House. This information was also referenced in a Feb. 2009 article in The Stranger. I don’t understand how President McCulloh can claim such minimal knowledge when this was widely known among staff and previously reported. It’s also inexplicable how Vice President Case could recommend a known abuser, Fr. Poole, for a new position while claiming no knowledge of his past. Poole’s history of misconduct was documented by multiple people over 40 plus years.
This culture of secrecy and claiming ignorance is one reason for the abuse crisis. I wish that instead of trying to “save face” and discuss what they didn’t know, our local leaders would focus on addressing the destruction of countless lives perpetuated by these institutions.
Rachel Zack