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Who’s throwing stones?
This is in response to Rosie Schofhauser’s letter from Dec. 22, “Adultery in government.”
President Clinton settled a civil lawsuit out of court with Paula Jones for $850,000. $475,000 came from an insurance policy that President Clinton had, and the rest came from a blind trust held in the name of Mrs. Clinton. $200,000 of that money went to Paula, and the rest to her legal team. None of it was paid from a $17 million government slush fund as you suggest.
President Trump, on the other hand, initially denied having an extramarital affair with Stormy Daniels and paying her $130,000 in hush money, which was set up by his personal fixer, Michael Cohen, through illegal shell companies in an attempt to hide the payment. Trump later admitted to paying the money to Stormy, but denies that he used campaign contributions to repay his former, and now convicted felon lawyer Cohen. I’m still trying to figure out who you’re accusing of throwing stones.
Scott Tschirgi