Tighten the leash on representatives
In regards to Kent Harrison’s editorial comment in Sunday’s paper (“Health care and partisanship,” Jan. 14), I must agree with him that the Affordable Care Act is far from perfect. But I’d like to review the history of getting ACA approved by Congress. It was a lengthy battle. Both parties were guilty of letting the insurance companies dictate prices and not including negotiations for drug prices. Only a few wanted those two items included.
We know the reason this goes on and the public gets screwed. Our representatives would feel differently and work harder for us if they didn’t have the wonderful health coverage we provide for them. We need to tighten the leash on representatives, do away with lobbyists, demand transparency of gifts and put limits on campaign funds, etc.
When November comes around, remember how congressmen and women voted. Remember who said, “Health care for all, finance reform, free college, etc.” No, it won’t be easy. Nobody wants to give up a cozy bed. But fairness and Bernie Sanders go hand in hand. Watch what he’s doing and who’s supporting him. The rest are expendable, no matter Republican or Democrat.
Linda Bauer