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Vote yes for WVSD

West Valley community — why should we vote for the replacement levies this February 13th?

To me, the WV school district has one outstanding feature that makes it worth investing in: it is both big enough and small enough. Big enough to offer a wide range of programs so that our four very different children’s fundamentals and desired extras are readily accessed — Special Ed to Robotics to sports to music. WV is also uniquely small enough that individual students don’t get lost in a “sea of needs” that may overwhelm the educational process in larger districts. Rather, they are treated as individuals.

Passing these proposed levies would include a 53 percent rate reduction. The proactive approach of this district has been evident in our 19 years here, and I am confident it will continue on this slimmer budget. But the whole WV community will be negatively affected should the levies fail to pass.

These programs that these levies fund should not be considered extraneous, rather, they are essential to prepare for the rapidly changing world. Please vote, and continue to support this distinctive community which has its eye toward the workforce of the future.

Ann Jones


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