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Support Medicaid expansion

I felt like I was going to die earlier this week. I thought I was going to drown in my own chest fluids every time I laid down. I thought I had pneumonia. Being a veteran (Korea ‘71-‘72), I was able to get some medical help from our local Sandpoint VA Clinic and wound up at Grandstaff Veterans Hospital in Spokane. I was lucky. I only had a severe cold.

If you’ve lived and worked in Idaho very long, you know that for the majority of us making a living is difficult. I’m not sure what the current average wage is, but the last time I checked it was down at the bottom of the list. We love living here and are able to eke out a living, but for many, that level of living does not include basic preventive health care. I think it’s a crime that the “Greatest Nation on Earth” doesn’t provide basic preventive health care for its citizens!

You can help make a real difference for the 78,000 Idahoans who don’t have health care by signing the petition at Women’s Health Care, 1215 Michigan St. Suite C, Sandpoint, or go to for more information.

George Rickert


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