Koch brothers
A couple of weeks ago numerous news agencies (NPR, CBS, Time, Newsweek, CNN, Fortune, Bloomberg, etc.) reported the Koch brothers plan to spend $400 million in the 2018 midterm election cycle to maintain Republican/Libertarian control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Control of both chambers, in large part, was obtained through Koch efforts in 2010 picking up 63 House seats and six Senate seats. They made their fortunes in the fossil fuel industry, are antagonistic and heavy-handed. Between 2005-2008 the Koch brothers injected $25 million into organizations to spread doubt about the science and reality of climate change.
Between 2005-2010, almost a half-billion dollars were spent to mislead the public about the threats of climate change and global warming. I believe some of this money will soon be spent in our area supporting Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and justifying the recent tax cut they now enjoy.
The ultra-wealthy are ruling our country through elected officials - promoting their agendas. As Teddy Roosevelt stated “… unless the great corporations are controlled by the government they will themselves completely control the government.”
Contact everyone you know, asking them to stop allowing this erosion of our democracy to continue.
Del Nord
Spokane Valley