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Stigma on mothers and sons

If a man lives with his mother or spends time with her, he is considered weak. I resent this attitude as it implies that women are weak and we are assuredly not. It also implies that all mothers try to keep their sons from growing up by telling them what to do and cuddling them, which is also insulting. This is not the truth.

In a healthy son/mother relationship, mothers do not tell adult sons what to do or cuddle them. If a teen or young adult male struggles with social anxiety, for example, sometimes family members are the few people he can open up to and connect with. Being able to connect and to feel one belongs, is important to prevent suicide in males of all ages. Men have much higher rates of suicide than women.

Living with your parents can reduce stress greatly as college students struggle to pay for rent and college expenses at the same. It is especially stressful for those who suffer from mental health challenges. If you meet a young man living with his mother, don’t ridicule him, but befriend him and help him to form a healthy support system. Save a life!

Susan Young


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