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One-sided Vestal

Mr. Vestal arrogantly paints those preferring parent-led teaching of their children’s sexual behavior with the dark brush of bigotry in his hit piece directed at the “small but relatively loud” group of detractors who stood in the way of Get Real, Planned Parenthood’s sex-ed, social engineering Trojan Horse (“Schools shouldn’t tiptoe on sex ed,” Feb. 2).

In his sanctimonious view, parents wanting to teach kids behavioral boundaries for the purpose of honoring God, other people (including those they are attracted to sexually) and themselves are living in “fantasy land,” and contribute to increased teen sex.

Do not be deceived. State-determined conformity versus parental influence of their children is the real battleground, not from whom or how they learn about sex or “deviant” behaviors. “Comprehensive and based on measurable progress” of your children by the state should be limited to academic skills, period. Spokane is also divorce capital of the country, a warning sign to add to our teen sex and pregnancy rates.

School curriculum cannot fix these moral ills, only turning hearts and minds back to a loving God will do this and ensure the teaching children receive at home guides them successfully into adult life equipped with moral boundaries and the resolve to keep them.

Alice Galeotti


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