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Trump and trade

A few days ago Donald Trump imposed 30 percent tariffs on solar panels imported from China.

We are told this was done at the request of two U.S. manufacturers, because they can’t compete price-wise with the Chinese product. A potential result is prices go up, sales go down. Ironically, 23,000 currently employed installers, engineers and project managers may lose their jobs in the first year. The hand that giveth also takes away. Can’t help but wonder if the coal industry had anything to do with this.

Need a new washer? Can’t afford Whirlpool? Well now you won’t be able to afford Samsung because of tariffs up to 50 percent. Meanwhile Trump’s withdrawal from the Asia-Pacific trade deal may cost Washington wheat-growers lost sales because, as Trump said, he “wants to negotiate” (be in charge of ) trade deals with each country separately. You know, the Art of the Deal.

Meanwhile, Walmart is giving one-time bonuses to its employees who generally earn about $10 an hour. Wow about $1,600 a month. Hope the bonuses are huge!

Janet Callen

Coeur d’Alene

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