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Bashing Obamacare/ACA

Recently, I sat next to an elderly man at a clinic in Spokane Valley. He started the conversation by bashing Obamacare. He was for Trump! I challenged and with disagreed him. I’m a retired RN of forty years who has seen too many patients who were denied health care insurance because they had pre-existing conditions, or their income was so low they couldn’t afford it.

In February of 2011, my youngest son was diagnosed with a rare type of lymphoma with no known cure and a life expectancy of 12-14 months. He worked long hours in the construction field trying to start his own business. His profit margin did not allow him to afford health insurance — which would have been denied because he had cancer. I am eternally grateful for Obamacare which allowed him to get health insurance.

This July 13th it will be seven years since he received a stem cell transplant at the University of Washington Hospital. He is alive so I can hug and love today!

I am eternally grateful for Obamacare. I firmly believe we need a universal health care system similar to the Scandinavian countries. Republicans keep trying to destroying our health care system.

Janet Smith


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