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The Bosch lot

Your Bosch lot story (“City sees new vertical horizon for lot,” Dec. 10) contains errors.

First, the federal government (not state) granted funds for Central Riverfront Park to complement Expo ‘74, stipulating the land be used for outdoor recreation. Now we need to revise the possibilities: a Sculpture Park with Native American sculptures. A park for disabled veterans and handicapped children. Outdoor workout equipment for families. Basketball courts. Running tracks. Nix a three-story parking garage at our keystone falls where natives camped and fished, where forefathers established our city, Spokane Falls.

Second, the RCO in Olympia was given jurisdiction over the federal requirement for outdoor recreation. Recently, citizens opposed a private nine-story gym, 315 feet long, at the Bosch site adjacent to the Lower Falls, with reason. Not public. Not outdoor recreation. Not suitable for the heart of our city. Which is why Shorelines Management in Olympia vetoed the Lincoln Street Bridge: it encroached on shoreline setbacks and views.

Let us dream deeper than underground roads for a three-story parking garage.

Citizens, write your council member: design a state-of-the art Central Riverfront Park! The Bosch lot can be a public park for people. Not cars.

Carol Ellis


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