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Hustle and bustle on Spokane’s streets
Thank you Anthony Gill for your article in Sunday’s paper, “Downtown’s future is on the street” (Jan. 7).
I thought I might be the only baby boomer left who misses the hustle and bustle of how downtown used to be when it was vibrant, alive and active and everyone with a purpose was out either window shopping or actually going somewhere.
The skywalks unfortunately always made a long detour from one point to another (i.e., waste of time), long corridors of constant door-opening to arrive from one building to another — which would only be across the street if you went outdoors — corridors either deserted or with the idle strollers three abreast who you can’t get around.
Would love to see people who actually have a reason to be downtown (workers, shoppers, apartment/condo residents) out and about making Spokane look like it has real people residing here.
Would love to go downtown and see someone outdoors besides just the smokers and bums lying in the doorways.
There is a lot to be said for the “good old days” and Spokane in its glory days. Give it a try.
Nadine J. Joubert