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We did it to ourselves
Our economy is booming and yet our Republican-controlled federal government passed legislation this year so the federal budget will run a $1 trillion deficit this year (currently $21 trillion debt) and increases the federal budget by $600 billion which now stands at $4.6 trillion.
These Republicans claim to be the party of limited government and balanced budgets? Hogwash! In one year they have increased the size of the federal budget by 15 percent and produced yearly $1 trillion deficits. If these Republicans cannot deal with the federal debt at $21 trillion, will they be able to deal with this debt when it reaches $24 trillion in a few years? These Republicans have reneged on all of their principles and values.
What do taxes do? They fund governmental programs. We are underfunding these programs and services by almost 25 percent.
And who will be stuck with paying off this debt? Your children will. They will have to deal with this mess because we did not have the courage to do so.
We did the above to ourselves. We get the government we deserve.
Mark Johnson
Nine Mile Falls