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Isn’t it time?

Isn’t it time? Isn’t it time our two political parties stop whining over who and who didn’t win, and who talked to whom?

I’ve discovered the best part of the Spokesman-Review is found on the front of page 3. It’s there world drama unfolds - perhaps our parties need a copy!

For example, from a small frontier post in the Sahara, Niger expelled and abandoned over 13,000 migrants in the past 14 months, including pregnant women and children with no food or water under temperatures up to 118 degrees Fahrenheit (Spokesman, June 26, 2018). Those who survived the 9-mile no-man’s-land trek stumbled into Assamaka, a place of a few shacks. A few wondered aimlessly before U.N. rescue squads found them. Others perished.

Where are the prime-time TV commentators, where are the journalists reporting this inhumane treatment in Niger? Isn’t it time the juvenile whining ceased, and somebody cared beyond himself/herself?

Sharon L. Reidenbach


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