Prevent voter fraud
I am opposed to sending everyone in Washington state a ballot that they can return for free (at taxpayers’ expense). There is no way we can guarantee against fraud without checking the voter’s ID and everyone knows that.
We used to have the best system when we went to the polls. We checked everyone’s ID, we voted by paper ballots and we put our ballots into a computer-scanner to be counted and to keep for a paper trail. Now, no one has any “skin in the game” because they don’t even have to buy a stamp or take it to a voter box.
Voter ID is a big issue for Democrats because they want and need election fraud. They can’t win without it. They want their voters to vote multiple times, with no questions asked. They want illegals to be able to vote by the millions for Democrats. Asking for government-issued ID and checking for legal citizenship would ruin all that.
Barbara Green
Liberty Lake