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Our government’s inaction

On May 24, I went to Coeur d’Alene High School to act as a volunteer judge for senior project presentations that included such topics as infant vaccinations; the dangers of farmed salmon; and the value of arts in education. The students also expressed what careers they hoped to have. I was blown away by the maturity of these presentations!

As I walked down a very long hallway to the gym area where we congregated, I couldn’t help but think of all the mass school shootings. The thought that these students, all dressed up and obviously excited for the occasion, would ever have to endure an evil intruder was a thought that I would have preferred not to have had and I felt profound sorrow that we’re not doing more to prevent guns being in the hands of those bent on destroying the lives of others.

How can we not do everything possible to ensure the safety of our precious children? Why does my government not enact stricter gun laws when other countries did so immediately following these terrible acts? I fail to understand our government’s inaction and what seems to me to be an egregious lack of humanity!

Adela Sussman

Coeur d’Alene

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