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Going great with Trump

Five hundred days into the Trump presidency and what is the state of the economy? Much to the chagrin and distaste of Democrats and Trump haters, excellent! Unemployment rate of 3.8 percent; black unemployment at an all-time low of 5.9 percent; GDP averaging 3 percent (a rate Obama never achieved: barely 2 percent over eight years, and we were told this is the best it will get); consumer confidence at 60 percent; business confidence in the economy’s future at 70 percent, the highest since the early ‘80s; more companies bringing back jobs because of the long overdue cut in the corporate tax rate; 150 companies announcing bonuses and pay raises.

For the taxpayer, nine out of 10 will see bigger paychecks in 2019. Doubling of the standard deduction, and an increase in the child tax credit.

What’s the Democratic response? “Impeach Trump.” Better yet, maybe hire Robert DeNiro and Samantha Bee as speechwriters.

Mark Duclos

Spokane Valley

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