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Why I support Dave Wilson

I am writing in support of Dave Wilson, my choice for the open seat in Spokane’s 6th Legislative District. Dave has the passion and commitment to serve with distinction. He has lived in the district for over 35 years, raised all six of his kids here, and started and ran a successful business for over 30 years in Spokane. He knows the district, and he knows Spokane.

Dave has also served in leadership positions on several community and professional boards. He has a highly organized campaign that is second to none, as well as endless volunteers who believe in him. These volunteers know that Dave is open-minded and fair-minded, and how important it is to elect more people like him, especially in such times of political rancor.

Dave’s strong work ethic, listening skills, and ability to organize people toward a common goal, demonstrate that he is an excellent leader. Dave is prepared like no one else I have seen to be an effective legislator on day one after his election. I hope you are convinced as I am that Dave Wilson is the right person to represent us in Olympia.

Karen L. Larsen


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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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