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Wolves killed for elk’s profit

Financed with our taxpayer money, federal officials cajoled with IDFG and USDA agencies, and invaded once again with helicopters a national forest to shoot and kill wolves, (“10 wolves killed for elk,” Spokesman-Review, March 15, 2018).

Workers (killing mercenaries) used a helicopter in the Clearwater National Forest in late February and early March to kill the wolves.

Officials say more wolves might be killed this winter…

It is self-explanatory: More elk for wolves means fewer for hunting outfitters and their customers, some of which have been shaping elk management decisions for private profits.

The Fish and Wildlife Commission wants citizens to believe that their killing management tools would ensure and secure elk preservation.

It was interesting to read the article in the Spokesman-Review, Feb. 11, 2018: “Famous Yellowstone elk herd rebounds two decades after wolf reintroduction.”

Cecilia Nolthenius

Coeur d’Alene

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