Fact check Tommy Ahlquist
I recently saw TV reporters fact-checking commercials of the Idaho gubernatorial candidates. Here is one on Tommy Ahlquist they have not reported.
I listened to one of his campaign speeches to a crowd where he stated “I spent my career for 17 years creating the Faces of Hope Victim Center in Boise, Idaho to take care of victims of domestic violence. Listen. It’s a passion of mine.”
Fact check: Tommy Ahlquist did not have anything to do with the creation of the Faces of Hope Victim Center. The center itself opened 13 years ago, not 17 (as Tommy claims) and the center was created by the Ada County Prosecutor’s Office and many invested partners; he was not one.
Fact check: Tommy Ahlquist was not a partner helping to create the center. Tommy did sit on the Faces board in 2016 for less than a year. Less than a year! Tommy’s personal exploitation of this incredible center says a lot about his ambition - that he is willing to say anything and promote himself so recklessly, regardless of how many can call him out on his alleged Faces participation. Shameful.
Mary Kay Torres