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McIntyre’s strength of character
In my last 40-plus years as the CCBW (Chief Cook and Bottle Washer) of our family business, I have come to understand the true value of competence (children keep you humble). Experience has taught me that that honesty cannot be bought and competence cannot be legislated.
Either the person has these qualities or they don’t.
One such person is current Ada County Treasurer Vicky McIntyre.
Over the last several years I have found myself needing the assistance of the Ada County Treasurer’s Office.
On each and every occasion, Ms. McIntyre met with me without requiring an appointment and amazed me with her openness and transparency.
Questions I thought would be complicated to answer were addressed on the spot without asking to “Get back to me later”.
In my opinion, Ms. McIntyre demonstrated strength of character which I feel will benefit all of Idaho as our next state treasurer.
I do not know Ms. McIntyre beyond my professional experience with her and her staff, but I truly hope voters will see the sincerity of my endorsement of her and give her a chance to bring her talents and integrity to the state level.
Kim Blough
Nampa, Idaho