Return Cathy to Congress
With regard to the upcoming election for 5th District Congressional representative, we’re seeing history being repeated.
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’ opponent each election cycle is portrayed in letters to the editor as putting the interests of the people ahead of party, being a good listener, level-headed, smart, fair, honest and so on. Those who have been to Cathy’s town hall meetings should realize that she thinks through the most important issues, listens carefully to everyone asking questions, and explains why she supports issues that some may disagree with. She does this with a calm disposition in spite of agitators trying to trip her up at every meeting in Spokane.
Are we likely to hear from Lisa Brown that she differs from her party on any issues? I seriously doubt it. She and her supporters have criticized the recently passed tax reform bill because there are some who will lose (but most will win). She has opposed repealing the Obamacare mandate, however, which was a huge “tax” increase for many middle class workers. But candidate Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class. Democrats were going to sock it to the evil 1 percent, remember? In the past, Lisa opposed welfare reform, which incentivized work over perpetual dependence.
In conclusion, let’s keep Cathy in Congress because she is on important committees which benefit citizens of the 5th District, and she supports economic development.
Craig Detmer