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Thank you, Ethics Commission

Congratulations to the Spokane Ethics Panel for clearing our excellent twice-elected Mayor Condon in the Straub firing (“Ethics panel clears mayor in Straub firing,” April 26, 2018).

I had to chuckle at the way certain politicians can never stop berating good public servants. It happens locally and nationally.

The first Spokane Ethics Commission was appointed after Mayor Jim West was recalled. Someone suggested ethics in government might be a good idea.

Mr. (Joe) Shogan was City Council president when I decided to throw my hat in the ring and seek an appointment. When I went before the august City Council to be interviewed, Mr. Shogan condescendingly asked me if I had ever served on an ethics commission before.

I replied, “I am a mother. I am an ethics commission!”

I was appointed and later reappointed by Mayor Mary Verner. I learned a lot and I think added some common sense to the distinguished panel of volunteers consisting of a university professor, practicing attorney and business and community leaders - those who are always ethical in their practices.

Thank you, Ethics Commission, for a job well done!

Donna Kuhn


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