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‘Local concern’ just a mask

It’s election season. Our representative is trying to paint herself as concerned, in touch with the area voters and their issues, and her opponent as frighteningly liberal and irresponsible with money.

Which one voted for a tax bill — a financial bonanza for the wealthy — that will increase the deficit to well over one trillion dollars (estimated) in the next fiscal year, with nothing to show for it in terms of wage growth for the lower and middle classes, and virtually no tax savings for Spokane’s average wage earners? That would be Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who voted to shut the government down in 2013 with about half of the current deficit, ostensibly because she was so concerned about deficits.

Which one voted against the urgent recommendation of our national intelligence community to increase funding to secure our voting systems against Russian influence and hacking? Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

Which one takes all her political cues from the Koch brothers, Kansas billionaires who have never set foot in Eastern Washington, through their political arm, Americans for Prosperity, as well as ALEC, while meeting with her constituents in Spokane once a year? Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

I don’t think her “local concern paint” is working, do you?

Greg Presley


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