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I miss the GOP

“You are defined by the company you keep.”

A lesson for today. As an independent, the Grand Old Party influenced my decisions on candidates and issues. I value multiple perspectives and I regret the loss of the grand, in GOP.

The new-and-not-so-grand Republican Party leaders tired of the frustrations of democracy. The new leaders needed more followers, so they opened the back door of the tent and are now the choice of racists, white supremacist, misogynists, the power hungry and greedy ultra-rich and the hypocritical religious who change Jesus’ lessons of love into instruments of hate.

Many long-term GOP members chose the GOP years ago and remain loyal, but this Republican Party is no longer the GOP you chose. Look at the company you now keep. Now, consider those GOP thought and value leaders showing the courage to reject this current Republican iteration and who are committed to building a new GOP. Be defined by their courage. Protect our democracy.

John S. Emery


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