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Much more to NW Pet Expo

Mr. Will Campbell’s story on the Northwest Pet Expo on March 31 (“Disc Dogs competition highlights second annual Northwest Pet Expo”) was an advertisement for the Disc Dogs rather than promoting and describing the Pet Expo.

There was a small mention of the Smooch Booth and Kitty City, but he failed to mention any other groups that were there or the demonstrations that took place. Mr. Campbell did a disservice to the rescue groups who attended and brought animals that needed adopting. There were many veterinary groups answering questions and offering valuable advice, including Dr. Marty Becker who is a prominent veterinarian in our region.

He failed to include the two service dog organizations in attendance: Northwest Service Dog Alliance and Guide Dogs for the Blind. He also didn’t mention the Police K-9 unit demonstration, the Basset hound Howling Contest and Reptile area which were all very popular with the crowd.

The vendors who spent many hours setting up their booths, brought their animals, answered a million questions, gave heaps of samples away and spent a very long day at the Pet Expo should not have been forgotten and certainly deserved, at the very least, to be recognized in this story

Thank you to all the vendors that participated.

CJ Fontaine


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