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A hemp revival?

According to my research, hemp plants are one remedy to many ills that have befallen our society. Many folks think that the hemp plant is connected to the cannabis industry, but in reality, the hemp plant is not for smoking and getting a buzz.

Hemp has been used to manufacture paper, wood and fabric products for centuries, as well as many other uses. It is much cheaper and faster to grow than trees, and reproduces on its own in one year. Our government even has crops being grown for medicinal and experimental projects, but is being kept from the general public.

Hemp has been demonized as just another drug somehow despite no history of evidence as such, while ignoring the benefits and multiple uses.

Historical documents show us that our forefathers used hemp to make clothes, paper and building supplies for houses. All of this at a fraction of the time and cost it would take to grow trees.

There are other countries utilizing this plant and reaping the benefits, but in America it’s been categorized as illegal. Is that because the forest industry would suffer? Common sense is becoming obsolete in today’s world, and this is just one example!

Todd Horner


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