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Missing in action

Senators Risch and Crapo have abandoned me, as well as the Constitution and moral principles in general. I hear no protest from them at repeated racist rhetoric from the president. No condemnation of policies that separate small children from their families, not a word about damaging tariffs applied by a president in a fit of pique. It appears that the festering infection emanating from the White House has enveloped both senators in a tide of corruption and duplicity.

What can they do to cure the disease? They can work with fellow senators to fire Mitch McConnell and replace him with a Majority Leader who will work to pass measures to safeguard our election process (bipartisan bills already passed by the House). They need to speak out against divisive speech and promotion of violent white supremacist ideologies. They need to exercise checks and balances against a president who acts in unlawful ways, creating imaginary enemies, declaring non-existent emergencies, and who will not take measures to safeguard our elections.

I urge everyone who values democracy to contact Sens. Risch and Crapo to demand that they start doing their jobs! A loud outcry may bring them to their senses.

Ann Warwick

Sandpoint, Idaho

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