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Don’t be silent

We’ve all heard the adage “The difference between a call girl and a prostitute is the price they charge.”

Well, it appears that we have a Congress full of call girls in place at the pleasure of the NRA. I find this unconscionable. The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (of 1994) was allowed to sunset in 2004. Numerous attempts to renew or replace the ban were unsuccessful due to a GOP-led Senate. The last ban renewal attempt was unsuccessful in April 2013 because of Mitch McConnell’s desire to not support President Obama.

Now, all of this mismanagement has fallen in the laps of the errant Trump administration, which is happily fanning the fires of white supremacy. This president and his minions do not represent me, my values, our Constitution or our country.

Do the right thing for our country and ban assault weapons! Do the right thing for our country and denounce the white nationalist rhetoric of this president! Respect our differences, as did the founders of this country, and don’t try to legitimize racism – it’s not legitimate.

Don’t be silent – speak out and contact our elected representatives!

P.S. GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy won’t accept emails from outside his district!

Mary Anne Brown


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