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Avoid full-time designation
In reading the lead article in the Dec. 4 Northwest section of the Spokesman-Review (“Description of council job rankles mayor”) it is very concerning and obvious on why several members of the City Council want to formally define their job descriptions as full time.
There are two main reasons and the first reason is the liberal Democratic members are championing this because they want to drive the agenda and Democrats historically have the mentality that they know best and more government is better. This is very clear since Ronald Reagan’s days as president and Republican administrations since have been the champion of smaller government.
Since Ben Stuckart’s eight-year reign the article points out the Spokane City Council budget has doubled to over $1 billion with more aides and more bureaucrats. Spokane has not changed that much in eight years, as Mayor Condon points out.
The second reason for full-time designation is to get less citizen active government representation because full-time designation would inhibit quality corporate executives to run. And there is a bigger pool of corporate executives who lean Republican so the Democrats are limiting their opposition, thus enhancing their ability to win future City Council elections.
And of course once full-time designation is on the record the next step is to obviously make the play for higher salaries. I agree with Mayor Condon and would actively oppose this formal full-time designation!
Ron Anderson
Liberty Lake