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GOP, what is enough?

I have a question for my Republican friends. Yes, I have Republican friends, and even voted for some Republicans in the past. My question: When is enough going to be enough?

Several of the president’s closest advisers are serving time for criminal acts, mostly around money deals with Russian oligarchs. More than a dozen Russian agents have been indicted in absentia for meddling in the 2016 elections.

Yet on the same day articles of impeachment are released, Trump is meeting with his Russian handler, in private again, in the White House. He then goes to a rally of MAGA Hatters and calls our FBI scum. Coincidence? I think not.

Can’t you see where this is headed, my GOP pals? This calculated attack on the rule of law, attacking corruption in Ukraine, but ignoring Russian attacks on our electoral system. You would call Trump’s pandering to Putin treason if it was a Democrat in the White House doing it.

What’s next, re-education camps in some remote wilderness for liberals who resist the elimination of all election laws? Our own gulag?

When is enough, enough, my conservative friends?’

Jim Wavada


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