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Sportsplex a great deal

The numerous garbled “facts” of Jack Abel’s misguided tirade (Jan. 24) needed a huge “editor’s note” as clarification, something like…

“The Public Facilities District (PFD) — not the City Council — authorized primary funding of the $42 million Sportsplex. This action did not ‘override the will of the people.’ The PFD uses voter-approved sales and lodging tax revenue for this project.”

Abel also seems to confuse the Sportsplex with Spokane Public Schools’ stadium project when he says the “voters not only defeated the project they defeated the entire idea.” That’s completely wrong. Voters actually approved a stadium project, but rejected locating that stadium downtown.

Additionally, Abel is confused when he suggests that the Arena (a major spectator events facility) can be used for everyday sports recreation. It cannot. But that’s exactly what the Sportsplex is meant to do.

There is no scandal here, and no cause for outrage. Yes, the city approved paying $5 million of the $42 million cost. Overall, that’s pretty good leverage and a lot of bang for the buck.

We should applaud the PFD, the City Council, the Park Department and Spokane County for partnering on a beneficial and innovative project that couldn’t be done without a lot of cooperation.

Steve McNutt


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