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Science can’t justify abortion

The S-R ran a Washington Post story (Jan. 25) concerning the March for Life that tries to nullify the pro-life stand that science supports human life beginning at conception. The scientific and common sense statements from the pro-life side, as stated in the article, ring true.

However, the Post writer cites an OB-GYN who states that while medical professionals don’t know when life begins, it can’t be at conception - the procreation phenomenon that has prolonged humankind for millennia, with billions in population - because it is “incredibly complex” and therefore a “gross exaggeration” not to be believed, regardless of logical thinking and evidence from doctors or scientists who are not in the pro-abortion camp. The last third of the writer’s piece aims at propping up those who are in the camp.

Since science doesn’t really know, it is more rational to believe that a fertilized egg will not develop into anything but another new human, and thus is human from the moment of conception—an obvious and logical conclusion.

A pity that abortion prohibition is absent from nearly all medical oaths today; but doubtless a great relief to that aggregate of pro-abortion practitioners favorably cited in the article.

Rod Foss


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