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Support reusable bag bill

The Spokane Riverkeeper is a tireless advocate in protecting your Spokane River. Plastic pollution is of rising concern for citizens who are watching their waters.

Because of this, the Riverkeeper supports SB5323, the reusable bag bill that is currently in the legislature. Last year the Spokane Riverkeeper picked up over 15,000 pounds of litter along your river with over 400 volunteers. A significant amount of this litter was plastic. Plastic bags now litter the riverside willows and rocks that just a few years ago were clean. If you doubt this, take what I call the “Plastic Pollution Test.” Go to the river this spring or summer and track the time it takes you to find the tattered shreds of plastic bags in the willows along the riverbank. I have done this and have found that within 30 seconds, I can find plastic pollution on our river.

Plastic pollution poses a real setback in the cleanup efforts that have helped our river’s health in the last decade. Please support SB5323 and ban single-use plastic bags. Reusable bags are easy, practical and will help keep your river clean and safe for the next generation.

Jerry White, Jr.


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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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