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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Little reason for optimism

While I share Mr. Inslee’s concerns about climate change (“Our nation’s challenge: climate change,” Jan. 20), I don’t share his optimism about accomplishing what needs to be done quickly enough.

When I look at the national debt piled on future generations I cannot help but believe that we are capable of ignoring climate change the same way. A huge majority of us sat with our thumbs where thumbs don’t belong while over 20 trillion dollars got dumped on future generations to pay interest on forever. Our House representative is almost clueless about climate change and individual-1 has an illiterate guy and a clay mind.

A majority of the populace cares more about themselves than they do about future generations.

Biff J. Bowen

Spangle, Wash.

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