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Follow Sweden to improve K-12

Sweden’s public education is voucher-based. Swedish parents have 100 percent choice between private, university, professional or vocational schools. Swedes don’t believe the government owns their children. In 2012 California public unions championed a punitive tax on the wealthy to supplement schools. Sweden has lowered taxes, flattened its tax system, and lessened regulation. California K-12 spending has increased 70 percent since 2012. Los Angeles’ district will be insolvent within two years.

Only 22 percent of LA public fourth-graders scored proficient in math in 2017. Stanford’s 2015 study found charters in Southern California on average gained more than 50 days of learning in math and 40 days in reading each year over their counterparts. Former California Senate majority leader Gloria Romero’s charter led the state in math improvement last year. Democrat Romero plans to open another charter in LA. The union despises competition, Romero’s charters and parental choice.

Total LA teacher average compensation package exceeds $110,000. They can retire at age 55 without having to pay for health insurance until they qualify for Medicare and then receive subsidized supplemental insurance. Idaho underfunds public charters by not sharing override and facility levies. Washington ruled charters unconstitutional. Wow!

Gerald Weitz

Viola, Idaho

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