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Wendle puts people first

“We succeed together, or we fail together - but we’re in it together.” That’s what I always tell my kids. I see the same teamwork mentality in Cindy Wendle, and that is vital. Part of the job of City Council president is to set expectations, as well as the tone and culture for the council. Council president, in essence, functions as a vice-mayor and plays a large role in determining the direction of our city. Cindy is the leader that I want at the table steering decisions with heart, knowledge and the well-being of the whole, rather than special interest groups only.

We need our council to be focused on making healthy decisions that work towards keeping our communities safe for all of us. Cindy will work with dedication and compassion to build the kind of community we want our kids to grow up in. I know we can trust Cindy Wendle to set a tone and culture of collaboration. I am confident that Cindy Wendle will put people first.

Cindy Wendle is who I want working for my family as City Council president! She has my vote and I would ask you to consider her for your vote also.

Jennifer Thomas


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